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It is important to understand that we have a loving God. God is so interested in spending eternity with his children, he has made salvation as easy as falling off a log. Now, do not misunderstand me here, Your salvation requires nothing from you but your statement of belief. Jesus won your salvation for you 2000 years ago on the cross. You can not "earn" it. It is a free Gift from a loving Father to you. But after salvation comes your new life, and this is not as easy as falling off a log! Jesus says, If you love me you will keep my commands. With your salvation you begin this New life of obedience to Jesus, (remember NOT obedience to men, but to JESUS). Before you can begin this new life you must become born-again. The following pray is all you need by way of personal declaration of your belief in Jesus and said sincerely will assure that you indeed are saved!
Lord Jesus, I need you in my life, I believe that you are the Son of God and that you died on the cross for me. Please forgive me of my sins and create a clean heart in me. Renew my spirit so that I can hear your voice. I accept you as my Savior! You are my LORD! AMEN!
If you indeed prayed this prayer sincerely, I am happy to inform you that your name has been written in the Lamb's book of life! The Angels are rejoicing at this very moment and you have recieved not only your salvation, but with it the Gift of the Holy spirit that will enable you to learn the Word of God and to become a BOLD Witness for JESUS to lost men!
The time is short and many will be lost, but Praise GOD You are not one of those lost! You are now a fellow laborer in the harvest fields of planet earth! Allow Jesus to take up residence in you, and begin the changes he will make to form you into a MIGHTY CHILD OF GOD! A SON OF THUNDER! Welcome my sibling, Welcome to the First day of the Rest of Your Life! HALLELUJAH!
e-mail me and I will help you begin your New Christian Walk!