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What are Cults?

(List of Cults)

The term cult as used today means a group of people that believe and  teach a religious doctrine that is false and or dangerous, which deceives men into believing lies to obtain salvation and eternal life with God,   according the the Word of God. The term cult in the past indicated just a group of people that shared a belief  and was not considered a bad thing. But to Christians who know we are living in last moments of this age, or as we call it "the Ends Times", the term cult has come to mean a group that can and will lead you to bondage and  death and an eternity in hell  and will do it in the name of the Creator!

Christians are vehemently opposed to cults. Christians KNOW that if you are not serving God through Jesus Christ, then you are serving satan. There are no gray areas, no middle ground, and if the people of the world were not blinded by satan themselves they too would see and fight against these cults as relentlessly as Christians do. I firmly believe when all is said and done,  millions perhaps billions of people that are being brought out of these cults by the tireless work of Christians, will thank those that had the courage to stand up for the Truth regardless of popular opinion or political correctness.

Gods Word is settled in Heaven. There will be no compromise. You will either believe and obey God and His Word or you won't. Those who seek to please men or gain popularity by watering down the Word of God to make it palatable for the masses will suffer the same end as those unsaved masses they deceive. Truth is rarely popular. But Truth is truth and Christians will shout the truth of Salvation through JESUS CHRIST ALONE Until they are no long able to shout it!

Look we are warned repeatedly in the Scriptures that many will come in Jesus name. We are told many will say Jesus is here or there, but we are to NOT follow them. In fact we are to not follow MEN at all! the Bible contains all you need to get saved and have a successful Christian life in obedience to God. You need no man teach you! God sent the Holy Spirit to teach you and bring to you remembrance whatsoever Jesus said. 

The following is a list of some of the more influential cults operating in today's societies. Do not be surprised if you see religions that you thought were OK. There are many accepted mainstream beliefs that when viewed from Gods Perspective are in complete opposition to  the Word of God and you should investigate that more closely!

The best way to spot a counterfeit is to KNOW the real thing. Money handlers are taught to spot counterfeits not by handling them but by handling the REAL thing! Same with gemologist! They do not spot cubic zirconia by looking at them, they handle REAL diamond until they are so familiar with the real, a fake just stands out like a sore thumb!

Perhaps you were "born" into one of the religions listed. Know this! Neither your family, your religion, your church, nor your works will save you.


Cult links



Jehovah Witnesses

Jehovah Witness stie#2





Hank Hanegraaff

Doomsday Cults

William Branham

Link to more cult information

Another link to cult information